Hotel Heating Solution

Transform your hotel into a haven of warmth and comfort with our comprehensive electric room heating solutions. Embrace a hotel experience where every degree contributes to a cozy and inviting atmosphere, ensuring an unforgettable stay for your guests.




Smart Heating, Personalized Comfort

Yika prioritizes a user-centric approach in designing hotel heaters, focusing on enhancing the overall user experience. Our room heaters are equipped with timers, thermostats, remote controls, WiFi-controlled features, 그리고 더.

These convenient attributes guarantee that each room of hotel is consistently at the ideal temperature, turning cold weather into a worry-free experience.


Whisper-Quiet, High-Quality Comfort

Ensure safety and quality by choosing our range of silent room heaters. Our electric heaters deliver high efficiency, providing a soothing warmth without any accompanying odors during use.

Rest easy knowing our hotel electric room heaters are certified with ERP, RoHS, CCE, GS, and other international standards, ensuring your userscomfort aligns with the highest industry benchmarks.

설치 옵션

정교함과 실용성의 만남

Each room in the hotel is designed to be a comforting haven. Placing a cozy electric room heater in just the right spot can significantly enhance the sense of happiness, 특히 추운 날에는.

Whether it’s a wall-mounted room heater, 벽난로, 히터 타워, 휴대용 난방기, 아니면 천장 히터, 각 유형은 고객에게 따뜻함과 스타일을 제공합니다.’ room a truly inviting retreat.